Blackbird Rising by Keri Arthur

Blackbird Rising by Keri Arthur

Author:Keri Arthur [Arthur, Keri]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: KA Publishing PTY LTD


“No.” The denial was torn from me.

“Yes.” Mo’s voice was grim. Unrelenting. Angry.

I closed my eyes, battling the need to scream even as tears threatened.

Gareth dead and Henry missing. It just didn’t compute. It didn’t make sense. They weren’t direct heirs—why would someone want them dead?

I swallowed heavily, trying to maintain composure. Trying to think. The thought that came was one that made my gut churn even harder.

“Both Gareth and Henry were on Jackie’s list. Max and a person named Jules were the next two.”

“I know. I’ve sent Max a message to ring one of us urgently.”

“Let’s hope he actually takes notice of it.” I took a deep, quivering breath. “I take it you’re going to help with the investigation?”

“Ada’s asked me to, yes. I’d like you and Luc to meet me at Gareth’s.”

“I’m not sure what I can—”

“I’ll need Luc’s help if I’m to get entry into the crime scene, and I’m certainly not about to leave you in Ainslyn alone. Not after this.”

They don’t want to kill me, I wanted to say, but that wasn’t really the point. Not anymore. Not if they wanted to get to Max through me.

“I still don’t get why they’re going after the indirect heirs,” I said. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

Luc abruptly straightened. “Someone’s been attacked?”

I glanced at him and nodded. He immediately motioned to the waitress and asked for the bill.

“I can’t answer that question.” Mo’s voice very much suggested doing so had hit the top of her to-do list. “I’m leaving within the hour; ring me when you get there.”

“Hang on,” I said, and quickly filled Luc in.

“It’ll take us a good four hours to get up there.” He glanced at his watch. “We won’t arrive until after nightfall now.”

“That’ll do,” Mo said, obviously overhearing.

“I’ll call when we arrive.” I hesitated. “Did Ada say anything else? Give any clue as to how …”

“She couldn’t—wouldn’t—talk about what she saw.”

Meaning what she’d seen was pretty brutal.

“She called the police,” Mo continued, “but it now appears the NCA has taken over the investigation.”

That was no surprise, given what Luc had said about them. “Take it easy when you’re flying, Mo. Don’t kill yourself trying to get to London as quickly as possible.”

“I’m too ornery to be taken down by something as simple as a heart attack, my girl. Besides, there’s too much left yet in this world that I have to do.”

The waitress came back with the check. Luc added a generous tip to his payment, then rose and pulled on his leather jacket.

“Talk soon, then.”

I hung up and stood.

“You okay?” Luc asked softly. He grabbed the jacket out of my hands and held it for me to put on.

“I don’t know.” I hesitated, and then shook my head. “I honestly don’t know.”

I’d just lost one, if not two, family members, and yet I was numb inside. Maybe it was shock. Or maybe it was disbelief. Maybe the reality wouldn’t really hit until I walked into their house.

Luc didn’t reply. He simply caught my hand and led me outside.


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